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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Glider/Rocker Makeover

Like i mentioned in my last post, 2011 is a pretty good year for me. Things are going really well in my life, big events happening and i made a few but time-consuming little projects which I'm really proud of.

One of them is this simple glider/rocker which i got for a good price tag from an antique store a couple miles away from my house. I redid the cushioning since it's pretty old and gross. I mean, I just don't want to use something that multiple other people were using for, say, at least 10 years or more.
BEFORE (green & gross) and AFTER (beige brown diamonds)

So i purchased about 2 yards of upholstery fabric and a new foam from my craft store. I chose something that's kind of muted and will go with any decor in my house. It's not the best color nor print though, but it's the prettiest one i could find in the clearance aisle hehe. Come on, we all love deals right?

The finished product? =======>>>>>

I love it and it works perfectly. Great for resting or rocking a baby to sleep; the reason i bought this rocker in the first place :)

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