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Monday, May 20, 2013

Fight Allergy/Flu: FAST!

I don't know about you, but i have the worst allergy to pollen ever. It makes my eyes itch like crazy. It makes me sneeze like nobody's business. It makes me look so weak and tired like I am about to die. My body just get exhausted for days. I was so desperate to find the perfect remedy for this disease. I have tried every allergy medicine on the counter available out there and even got some doctor's prescription, but to no avail. Nothing made me feel better. Some medicines work for a while but after using it for, like, a week or so, it's no longer effective on me.

Until six years ago (year 2007 to be exact), i met this wonderful black lady in Walmart. It turns out that she used to have the same problem as me. She highly recommended this allergy medicine (capsule), Walmart brand, very inexpensive (less than $5 for 100 capsules) and it made my flu go away in less than an hour. YES! that fast. I was so amazed by this product that i always stock up in my medicine cabinet. I am so thankful to that wonderful lady, ever since i have been using this capsule until now. And it never fails me.

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Let me just say that this helped me get ~only~ a temporary relief from that flu or pollen allergy you may have. I definitely feel normal right after use. What i do is take 2 caps every 4-6 hours, just sit and relax for about 30 mins after taking it (like, don't do anything). It's so much better than the more expensive brands i have tried. No more red ugly eyes. No more sneezing. No more suffering.

I hope this post would help somebody out. If you have tried this one, please let me know how it worked for you. If you are taking other medicines and would like to try, please consult your doctor first. Take care.

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